Master Formulae

Category: News

Black Cohosh: Mechanism of Action

Black Cohosh: Mechanism of Action

Black Cohosh Herbal Medicine History Historically black cohosh was a popular herb among Native Indigenous people of North America. It was used to treat pain, fever, cough, pneumonia, to bring on labour and to regulate the menstrual cycle. Historical names for it included as baneberry, black snakeroot, bug root, and bugbane. It got its name […]

Stress and Sleep during the Holidays

Stress and Sleep during the Holidays

Stress and Sleep during the Holidays: COVID-19 Edition This year has been filled with unusual amounts of stress for most people as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. So much fear, uncertainty, financial stress, and psychological stress are taking their toll on our level of stress and sleep.  As the holidays approach, some of you may be […]